Create a Shipment

Creating a Shipment

When you create a shipment, we respond with a shipment_id that is a unique identifier inside of Broad Reach. Additionally, we realize that you may have your own identifier, you can set this by setting the external_shipment_id field in the request body.

International Shipping

To ship internationally, your package will be required to go through customs in the destination country. You must know about laws, regulations, and customs procedures that preside over customs.

It's required that you send us a list of contents with their declared value while requesting your label. A custom's item comprises of the following properties

Create Shipment API Request Structure

order_numberstringThe unique identifier for the order.
shipment_referencestringA unique reference for the shipment.
customer_referencestringThe reference provided by the customer for the order.
label_typestringThe type of label to be used.
client_idstringThe unique identifier for the client.
processing_locationstringThe code for the processing location.The Broad Reach location in where the physical package will be processed. Possible values: SFO, MIA, JFK, PHL, ORD, LAX, SLC, TOR, CAL, BUF
contentsobjectContains details about the items in the shipment.
contents.itemsarrayList of items included in the shipment.
contents.items[].skustringThe stock keeping unit identifier for the item.
contents.items[].descriptionstringA description of the item.
contents.items[].quantitystringThe quantity of the item.
contents.items[].pricestringThe price of the item.USD
contents.items[].country_of_originstringThe country of origin for the item.
contents.items[].harmonized_tariff_codestringThe harmonized tariff code for the item.
contents.items[].weightstringThe weight of the item.lbs
contents.items[].dimensionsobjectThe dimensions of the item
contents.items[].dimensions.lengthstringThe length of the item.inch
contents.items[].dimensions.heightstringThe height of the item.inch
contents.items[].dimensions.widthstringThe width of the item.inch
ship_toobjectContains details about the shipment destination.
ship_to.first_namestringThe first name of the recipient.
ship_to.last_namestringThe last name of the recipient.
ship_to.phonestringThe phone number of the recipient.
ship_to.emailstringThe email address of the recipient.
ship_to.address_line1stringThe first line of the recipient's address.
ship_to.address_line2stringThe second line of the recipient's address.
ship_to.country_codestringThe country code of the recipient's address.
ship_to.postal_codestringThe postal code of the recipient's address.
ship_to.city_localitystringThe city or locality of the recipient's address.
ship_to.state_provincestringThe state or province of the recipient's address.
vendorobjectContains details about the vendor.
vendor.namestringThe name of the vendor.
vendor.companystringThe company of the vendor.
vendor.phonestringThe phone number of the vendor.
vendor.emailstringThe email address of the vendor.
vendor.address_line1stringThe first line of the vendor's address.
vendor.address_line2stringThe second line of the vendor's address.
vendor.city_localitystringThe city or locality of the vendor's address.
vendor.state_provincestringThe state or province of the vendor's address.
vendor.postal_codestringThe postal code of the vendor's address.
vendor.country_codestringThe country code of the vendor's address.
ship_fromobjectContains details about the shipment origin.
ship_from.company_namestringThe name of the company shipping the item
ship_from.first_namestringThe first name of the person shipping the item.
ship_from.last_namestringThe last name of the person shipping the item.
ship_from.phonestringThe phone number of the person shipping the item.
ship_from.emailstringThe email address of the person shipping the item.
ship_from.address_line1stringThe first line of the shipment origin address.
ship_from.address_line2stringThe second line of the shipment origin address.
ship_from.country_codestringThe country code of the shipment origin address.
ship_from.postal_codestringThe postal code of the shipment origin address.
ship_from.city_localitystringThe city or locality of the shipment origin address.
ship_from.state_provincestringThe state or province of the shipment origin address.
packagesobjectContains details about the packages in the shipment.
packages.package_referencestringThe reference for the package.
packages.weightstringThe weight of the package.lbs
packages.pricestringThe price of the package.Sum of all items not including shipping/taxes etc.
packages.dimensionsobjectThe dimensions of the package.
packages.dimensions.lengthstringThe length of the package.
packages.dimensions.heightstringThe height of the package.
packages.dimensions.widthstringThe width of the package.
metadataarrayAdditional metadata for the shipment.
metadata[].namestringThe name of the metadata field.
metadata[].typestringThe type of the metadata field.
metadata[].valuestringThe value of the metadata field.


curl -X POST "" \
-u "cd3b3de84cc1ee040bf06512d233719c" \
-d '{}'
    "order_number": "BRDRCH001",
    "shipment_reference": "1daa0c22",
    "customer_reference": "7852413698",
    "label_type": "zpl",
    "client_id": "BR19060736D",
    "processing_location": "LAX",
    "contents": {
        "items": [
                "sku": "250523",
                "description": "Nike Air Max Plus",
                "quantity": "10",
                "price": "10.9000",
                "country_of_origin": "CA",
                "harmonized_tariff_code": "5002.30",
                "weight": "7",
                "dimensions": {
                    "length": "5",
                    "height": "6",
                    "width": "7"
                "sku": "25052023",
                "description": "Nike Dunk Low Next Nature SE",
                "quantity": "10",
                "price": "11.9000",
                "country_of_origin": "CA",
                "harmonized_tariff_code": "5002.30",
                "weight": "8",
                "dimensions": {
                    "length": "5",
                    "height": "6",
                    "width": "7"
    "ship_to": {
        "first_name": "James",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "phone": "90233333422",
        "email": "",
        "address_line1": "2830 Black Bear Crescent",
        "address_line2": "",
        "country_code": "CA",
        "postal_code": "V1A 1A1",
        "city_locality": "Kimberley",
        "state_province": "   BC   "
    "vendor": {
        "name": "Hotwheels",
        "company": "Mattel Inc.",
        "phone": "444-444-4444",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "address_line1": "454 GATEWAY CRES SOUTH",
        "address_line2": "",
        "city_locality": "LETHBRIDGE",
        "state_province": "AB",
        "postal_code": "T1K4X2",
        "country_code": "CA"
    "ship_from": {
        "company_name": "Company co. ltd.",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "phone": "9000000001",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "address_line1": "1355 Boul Henri-Bourassa E",
        "address_line2": "",
        "country_code": "CA",
        "postal_code": "H1A 1A1",
        "city_locality": "Montréal",
        "state_province": "QC"
    "packages": {
        "package_reference": "180523",
        "weight": "15",
        "price": "22.8000",
        "dimensions": {
            "length": "6",
            "height": "7",
            "width": "5"
    "metadata": [
            "name": "notes",
            "type": "string",
            "value": "delivery notes"
  "code": "InvalidArgument",
  "message": {
    "error": 1900,
    "message": "One or more parameters required for this request are either missing or have an invalid format.",
    "cause": "Team IDs array missing",
    "request": "bc41a8eb-a604-4a1c-aa5a-e86a975c141b"
  "code": "InvalidContent",
  "message": {
    "error": 1000,
    "message": "The values of one or more parameters are invalid.",
    "cause": "Invalid phone number format",
    "request": "fff8ed50-4ca0-4ff9-9230-b73096eb8502"
  "code": "InvalidContent",
  "message": {
    "error": 1004,
    "message": "The values of one or more parameters break a uniqueness constraint.",
    "cause": {
      "type": "duplicateKey",
      "key": "unknown",
      "value": "unknown"
    "request": "3eafc877-278c-40d1-993b-2acf2575c7d8"


    "order_number": "BRDRCH001",
    "shipment_reference": "1daa0c22",
    "customer_reference": "7852413698",
    "label_type": "zpl",
    "client_id": "BR19060736D",
    "processing_location": "LAX",
    "contents": {
        "items": [
                "sku": "250523",
                "description": "Nike Air Max Plus",
                "quantity": 10,
                "price": 10.9,
                "country_of_origin": "CA",
                "harmonized_tariff_code": "5002.30",
                "weight": 7,
                "dimensions": {
                    "length": 5,
                    "height": 6,
                    "width": 7
                "sku": "25052023",
                "description": "Nike Dunk Low Next Nature SE",
                "quantity": 10,
                "price": 11.9,
                "country_of_origin": "CA",
                "harmonized_tariff_code": "5002.30",
                "weight": 8,
                "dimensions": {
                    "length": 5,
                    "height": 6,
                    "width": 7
    "ship_to": {
        "first_name": "James",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "phone": "90233333422",
        "email": "",
        "address_line1": "2830 Black Bear Crescent",
        "address_line2": "",
        "country_code": "CA",
        "postal_code": "V1A 1A1",
        "city_locality": "Kimberley",
        "state_province": "BC"
     "vendor": {
        "name": "Hotwheels",
        "company": "Mattel Inc.",
        "phone": "444-444-4444",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "address_line1": "454 GATEWAY CRES SOUTH",
        "address_line2": "",
        "city_locality": "LETHBRIDGE",
        "state_province": "AB",
        "postal_code": "T1K4X2",
        "country_code": "CA"
    "ship_from": {
        "company_name": "Company co. ltd.",
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "phone": "9000000001",
        "email": "[email protected]",
        "address_line1": "1355 Boul Henri-Bourassa E",
        "address_line2": "",
        "country_code": "CA",
        "postal_code": "H1A 1A1",
        "city_locality": "Montréal",
        "state_province": "QC"
    "packages": {
        "package_reference": "180523",
        "weight": 15,
        "price": 22.8,
        "dimensions": {
            "length": 6,
            "height": 7,
            "width": 5
        "package_id": 19,
        "tracking_number": "BBRO0000180523673014",
        "carrier_tracking_number": "BBRO0000180523673014",
        "billable_weight": "15"
    "metadata": [
            "name": "notes",
            "type": "string",
            "value": "delivery notes"
    "shipment_id": 19,
    "pre_process": false,
    "label_download": {
        "package_reference": "180523",
        "br_tracking_id": "BBRO0000180523673014",
        "carrier_tracking_number": "BBRO0000180523673014",
        "carrier_tracking_link": "",
        "zpl": "",
        "zpl_base64": "XlhBXkxSTl5NTl...",
        "sort_code": ""